Iron(III) Acetylacetonate

  • CAS号:14024-18-1
  • MDL编号:MFCD00000020
  • 分子式:C15H21O6Fe
  • 分子量:353.17
  • 韶远库存批次纯度:98.3%, 98.7%
  • optical purity:
  • 相关药品名称:-
  • 产品分类: 高端化学品 > 过渡金属及催化剂 > 过渡金属化合物 > 过渡金属化合物 ;
  • * 韶远所有产品仅供科研使用
品牌 货号 纯度标准 包装 价格/优惠价 折扣价 特价 上海 济南 成都 武汉 天津 数量1 购买
韶远 SY007744 ≥98% 25g 40.00/0 - 现货 - 现货 现货 现货
韶远 SY007744 ≥98% 100g 40.00/0 - 现货 现货 现货 现货 现货
韶远 SY007744 ≥98% 500g 105.00/0 - 现货 现货 现货 现货 现货
韶远 SY007744 ≥98% 1000g 209.00/0 - 现货 现货 - - -
In combination with Na metal at room temperature in benzene, cyano groups are cleaved from alkyl nitriles to give the corresponding hydrocarbons: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 7113 (1971).
Catalyst for the coupling of Grignard reagents with aryl halides: J. Am. Chem. Soc., 124, 13856 (2002); Org. Lett., 6, 1227 (2004), with vinyl sulfones to give alkenes: Tetrahedron Lett., 23, 2469 (1982); Tetrahedron, 44, 111 (1988), and with acyl halides to give ketones in good yield: Tetrahedron Lett., 25, 4805 (1984). Alkenyl halides couple with aryl Grignards to give 1-aryl alkenes: Synlett, 1901 (2001). For leading references and improved reaction conditions for the coupling of alkyl and aryl Grignards with a varirtety of enol triflates and acid chlorides, and also for selective monoalkylation of dichlroarenes and heteroarenes, see: J. Org. Chem., 69, 3743 (2004).
Catalyzes the nitration of non-activated arenes, e.g. halogenobenzenes, and moderately activated arenes, e.g. alkylbenzenes and naphthalenes under non-acidic, non-aqueous conditions with NO2 in the presence of O2; no nitration occurs in the absence of the Fe(III) catalyst: J. Chem. Soc., Perkin 1, 2385 (1996).



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