Bromopyridines can be converted to the Grignards by Mg exchange with i-PrMgCl: Tetrahdron Lett., 40, 4339 (1999).
Reaction with n-BuLi gives 2-lithio-pyridine. Subsequent reaction at low temperatures with PCl3 gives, as the major product, 2,2'-bipyridine, along with a low yield of the expected tris(2-pyridyl)phosphine. POCl3 or SOCl2 also promote the symmetrical coupling reaction: Heteroatom. Chem., 5, 409 (1994). In contrast, reaction with LDA in THF at -78o results in lithiation at the 3-position, giving access to 3-substituted 2-bromopyridines: Synthesis, 235, 237 (1982). See also: Org. Lett., 3, 835 (2001).