Function Code:510
Method Code:11
事务(进程 ID 65)与另一个进程被死锁在 锁 资源上,并且已被选作死锁牺牲品。请重新运行该事务。
select count(*) from [shopitem] where goodsid='1200568' and status=1 and WeightValue is not null and Weight<>'' and Price is not null
...<a href="{*last}" class="aa">末页</a>
<span class="ipaget" style="display:inline;">第{*page}页 共{*pages}页 共:{*total}个</span>
@goods=$db.dataTable({% select goodscode,goodsid,brandid from shopgoods with(nolock) where status=1 and goodsid={@goodsid} ; %});
@data=@queryitem.pager(@format,*,goodsid='{@goodsid}' and status=1 and WeightValue is not null and Weight<>'' and Price is not null ,{%Grade asc,weightvalue asc%},10,$get.number(page,1),10){